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NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GETS - Best Motivational Speech for 2021

NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GETS - Best Motivational Speech for 2021



Success guys a very, very lonely road man. along that road,you're not gonna see too many friends, you can see your shadow

 most often.See, the thing is for many people, they've tried  the same path you're on, and they failed. If you want to make 

your dream become reality, the people that are running at their dreams know that it's possible that you can live your dream.

 from living that if you quit, whatever you're trying to accomplish, if you quit, whatever you were trying to accomplish, you can 

never have, there's not even a remote possibility. If you quit, there is no chance of it popping back up again, coming back later, 

quitting is guaranteed.Deal, there's this nagging problem. This is not how my story is supposed to end.But failure is one of the 

most important things you could ever have. As far as like the motivation to do things differently. One of the reasons why

 I'm good at work is because I've been a worker in the past and I know the feeling of failure.It's just important for people to 

understand that complaining has no value. And if you complain about not having enough moneyworth more, it is going to take

Success guys a very, very lonely
Success guys a very, very lonely

an inhuman amount of work, you're going to have to beprepared to break yourself in half, you are going to have to learn more

 than anyone has ever learned. You can have to push yourself harder than anyone has ever asked you to push yourself before 

you're going to go way beyond your breaking point, you're going to run until you vomit, you're gonna study until you fall 

asleep, you're going to push and push and push and then you're going to push some more. And when you hit the limit, 

you're gonna push again beyond that, you're going to force yourself into an adaptation response.There's more wisdom and 

knowledge, instincts, intuition, the same instincts developed in the middle of a crisis.They'll give out your education, you go 

get an education, that's nice. But if you don't use your gift, that education will take you so far. I know a lot of people got

 degrees, that is your gift. But the only way for you to solve is you got to jump. You got to take that gift that's packed away

 on your bed, you got to jump off that cliff and pull that cord. That gift opens up and provide the soul.The hardest walk you

 can make is the walk you make alone. But that is the walk that makes you the strongest. That is the walk thatbuilds your

characterthe most.It isn't about what you think you should ever put in it isn't about the amount of 

energy and drive that

I know the feeling of failure
I know the feeling of failure

 you think is reasonable.The reason why I've been telling you don't be average, don't be good. Try to be great and be

 phenomenal. The reason why I told you that is because listen to me, you gotto understand. You have to understand that

 you stay average and you stay good. You'll never get to where you're trying to get toanything you work hard to accomplish,

 anything you struggle over to make it happenand to exclude all others. But until you can do that, you're never going to be 

able to developthe skill set that you're going to need to form because here's the reality. But the only way to do that is to ge

t that good. And the only way to get that goodis to pick one thing and go at it with everything you've got.To focus in on your

 dream, keep going after the dream because that's where true success is.You're not where you are because you don't have an

 opportunity.Once you can see that those basic things that you take for granted that you can breathein through the nose and

 out through the mouth, all of that stuff, once you start seeing how miraculous it really is, once you start seeing how we're

connected to each other, once you understand that the name of the game isn't wealth, it isn't fame, it isn't ambition, or 

success.So the fact is, what are my programs, look at your struggle. And wherever you're struggling. The struggle is not

Focus on your dream
Focus on your dream

because the universe won't provide for you, I will not give up.I will not surrender, I will not quit.This is your year, are you

 hearing me that when you're working, you have a wall to break through, let's say a friend ofmine walks, he runs a marathon, 

he said, when he was running the 26 mile marathon, he said, let's say that hypothetically, that 18th mile is the wall.

The struggle is an internal job, the struggle is you're trying to overcome previous programming that prevents you to go to

 that destinationAnd you're saying to yourself, I can't do it, I can't do it. And you just keep on and you keep on and your 

keyboard, it seems like you're moving at slow motion. And then eventually when you break through that 18 mile wall, then 

you know, it's like done and you're on automatic and you glide on in and you know it's there, you're no you're gonna getto 

the finish line.when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Albert Einstein

 once observed that the most fundamental and major decision that you have to make in your life is that do I live in a 

friendly? Or a hostile universe?Which is, is it a universe that is filled with hostility and anger and people wanting to hate

Most people work hard but they don't think hard
Most people work hard but they don't think hard

each other and people wanting to kill each other? Is that what you see? Because when you see the world that way, that's

 exactly what you will create for yourself in your life. This is from great scientific mind. And the interesting thing is that this 

is not just a, a clever play on words that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If you 

don't have love for yourself, you're not trusting in the wisdom that created you and the idea of being able to respect yourself

 at all times. How do you go about doing this? You spend your life in a state of cooperation rather than competition. You see 

yourself as someone who is love in action. That's what you have to be loving action. You say you suggest to yourself and you

 say these words to yourself. I am whole I am perfect as I was createdPoor thinking habits keeps most people poor, not poor

 working habits. Most people work hard, but they don't think hard. The mind is like a factory, a mental factory, and whatever 

you think about all day long pours ingredients into this mental factory. And that's what builds the economic, social, financial 

fabric of your life, as you think. So you become

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